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Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all Breeding Journal websites. Breeding Journal is owned by the company Calobre AB. The personal data policy applies when Calobre AB's provides services and products in connection with purchases, customer service matters, other contact with Breeding Journal and all website visits.

Your personal data is important to us. Breeding Journal collects and processes personal data about you when you visit or make a purchase on one of our websites, contact Breeding Journal by email or social media. Breeding Journal protects your privacy and strives for a high level of data protection. This privacy policy explains why and how we collect and use your personal information. It also describes your rights and how you can enforce them. For us, it is important that the personal data you entrust to us as a customer and reader is handled in a careful, responsible, transparent and legal way.

Who is responsible for the data we collect? Calobre AB is the personal data controller for Breeding Journal's processing of your personal data and is responsible for such processing taking place in accordance with applicable legislation.

What is personal data? Personal data is any kind of information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a living person. Examples of personal data are name, e-mail address, telephone number and social security number. Images and sound recordings are also personal data, even if no names are mentioned. Encrypted data and various types of electronic identities (e.g. IP numbers) are personal data if they can be linked to a person.

Where does your personal data come from? The main source of personal data about you is yourself, for example information you provide when you sign up for a subscription, contact us by e-mail and receive/reply to an e-mail. Personal data is also created as a result of you reading information on our website, using services and communicating with us. For example, we can save visitor, traffic data and other communication data. Examples of such personal data are your IP address. This information is collected by so-called cookies and is used to get to know you so we can direct relevant information to you. In order to do this, we need your consent. You give this by accepting cookies when you visit our website.

Examples of personal data that we collect about you if we need it

  • First and last name.

  • Date of birth, gender, citizenship, profession/employment/education, place of birth.

  • Social security number (only when purchasing an annual pass).

  • Address check against SPAR.

  • Contact details (address, e-mail and phone number).

  • Purchase information (e.g. which product/subscription has been ordered). Ev. notes you choose to leave.

  • Correspondence regarding complaints or returns. Payment history when purchasing in Breeding Journal.

Cookies: In a cookie it is possible to see/follow a user's surfing. Cookies are used to give you as a visitor access to various functions and to adapt content in newsletters. We use cookies to customize the content of our advertising. We also use cookies on our website so that we can keep statistics on how much the web is used. A cookie is a text file that is saved to your device so that the website can recognize your device. This cookie does not contain any personal information. There are two types of cookies, permanent and temporary (so-called session cookies). Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your device for a longer period, while session cookies are temporarily placed on your device and are only used during the time you browse the page. It is then deleted. If you want to know when your device receives a cookie, you can set your browser to notify you. In this way, you have the option to accept or reject a cookie. Your device can also be set to reject all cookies. In the event that you choose not to accept cookies, please note that some features of our online services will no longer function as intended.

Especially regarding consent for direct marketing - Provided that you have given us your express consent, we will continuously send and publish information and marketing based on your profile via various digital contact surfaces. You can stop receiving marketing communications from us at any time by clicking “unsubscribe” in any email or SMS communication we send you. It is also possible to contact Breeding Journal by email to for help in opting out of our communications.

How long do we save the data about you? Your personal data is only saved as long as there is a need to save it to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected. Breeding Journal may save the data longer if necessary to comply with legal requirements or to protect Breeding Journal's legal interests, e.g. if there is an ongoing legal process.

Who can we share your personal data with? Your personal data may be shared with other companies. These are then Breeding Journal's personal data assistants. A personal data processor is a company that processes information on our behalf and according to our instructions. Breeding Journal's personal data assistants perform services on behalf of us, for example when sending out newsletters or when delivering ordered goods. All disclosure will take place according to law and your personal data will not be used for purposes other than those we have informed you about. We have written agreements with all personal data processors through which they guarantee the security of the personal data that is processed and undertake to comply with our security requirements as well as restrictions and requirements regarding the international transfer of personal data. When your personal data is shared with a company that is an independent personal data controller, the other party's privacy policy and personal data handling apply. We share your personal data with certain companies that are independent personal data controllers. Examples of independent personal data controllers with whom we share your personal data are:

  • State authorities in case of suspected crime.

  • Companies that offer payment solutions (card processing companies, banks and other payment service providers)

Where do we process your personal data? We always strive for your personal data to be processed within the EU/EEA and all our own IT systems are located within the EU/EEA.

Your rights -According to EU data protection legislation, you as an individual have certain statutory rights in relation to the personal data we handle about you. If you come across information about yourself or close people that you do not want to be published on Breeding Journal's website for any reason, we would be grateful if you would contact us by You also have the right to complain to the national data protection authority, the Data Protection Authority, (formerly the Data Protection Authority) if you believe that our processing of your personal data does not meet the requirements of EU data protection legislation.

Access to your personal data: You have the right to access your personal data and how it is processed.

Correction, deletion or limitation: You have the right to correction of data that you consider to be incorrect. In some cases, you also have the right to have your personal data deleted. However, this does not apply if your personal data is still necessary to keep, for example if the law requires us to store the data or if the data is needed to fulfill an agreement we have with you. You also have the right to request that the processing of personal data be limited for a shorter period of time while we investigate possible inaccuracies.

Withdraw consent: If you have given consent to certain treatment, you always have the right to withdraw your consent.

Objection regarding balancing of interests: When processing takes place with the support of so-called balancing of interests, you have the right to object to the processing at any time.

Objection to direct marketing: You have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for direct marketing. Then the personal data shall no longer be processed for such purposes

Data portability: You have the right to data portability, which means that under certain circumstances you have the right to receive such personal data about you that you have provided to us, in order for you to be able to transfer the personal data to another personal data controller.

Contact Information - If you wish to exercise any of your statutory rights, please send a written and personally signed request to You can also always contact Breeding Journal by our website if you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data. You can also contact Breeding Journal for any comments or complaints about how we handle your personal data by